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Wanderlust Collection: 1 candle purchased = 1 tree planted

We are so excited to announce our partnership with One Tree Planted! For every candle purchased from our Wanderlust collection via our website we donate to plant a tree in Oregon! One candle = One tree planted!

Why? Here’s some helpful information from One Tree Planted that shows why it’s so important to keep planting!

“Deforestation isn't just happening in well-known global hotspots like Indonesia and Brazil's rainforest. A new analysis says forests are also shrinking on state and private land in Oregon, where an estimated 522,000 acres of forest cover have disappeared since 2000. That's an area six times larger than the city of Portland, equal to more than half of Oregon's designated state forests.

Oregon is home to iconic trees like Douglas fir, Oregon white oak, Ponderosa pine, Western red cedar, Pacific willow, Oregon ash, Western hemlock, black cottonwood, and big leaf maple. We plant over 35 native species so that the full ecosystem is supported and degraded forests can be restored. That includes soil, waterways, insects, birds, mammals, and people. Healthy forests = clean water and salmon. If you already love Oregon or hope to visit someday, please help us keep planting trees in Oregon. We need to protect this special place for future generations of farmers, foresters, hikers and visitors.

We rely on Oregon forests for our economy, our way of life, our climate and our future. We work with community partners to restore healthy watersheds so that people have clean water to drink and beautiful places to play, and so birds, fish and other wildlife can thrive. We engage youth to develop the next generation stewards who know and love our forests, from oak woodlands to majestic conifer forests.  

Oregon has the technical resources and the volunteers, but often the missing piece is the cost to purchase the trees. Your contribution helps plant trees with various watersheds throughout Oregon.”
